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References Belt Dryers

country: Austria
type: BT 1/6200-16,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 10,8 t/h or 6 t/h 50-> 10%

country: Poland
type: BT 1/6200-30 and BT 1/6200-24
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 10 t/h or 8 t/h 50-> 10%

country: Germany
type: BT 1/6200-19,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 6 t/h 50 % -> 10 %

country: Sweden
type: BT 1/6200-36
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 10 t/h 52 % -> 10 %

country: Germany
type: BT 1/6200-33
product: Green fodder, punch maize, grain, wood chips
drying capacity: 8,8 t/h 50 % -> 15 % (wood chips)

country: Sweden
type: BT 1/2700-14
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 2 t/h 50 % -> 10 %

country: Germany
type: BT 1/2700-13
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 1,6 t/h 50 % -> 10 %

country: Germany
type: BT 1/6200-30
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 9,5 t/h 50 % -> 10 %

country: New Zealand
type: BT 1/6200-52,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 12 t/h 60 -> 10 %

country: Poland
type: BT 1/6200-28,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 8 t/h 50 -> 10 %

country: Germany
type: BT 1/6200-25,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 8 t/h 48 % -> 8 %

country: Germany
type: BT 1-6200-10,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 2,8 t/h 50-> 13%

country. Croatia
type: BT 1-6200-10,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 3,6 t/h 50-> 10% 

country: Germany
type: 2x BT 1/6200-33
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 30 t/h 42% -> 6% 

country. Austria
type: BT 1-6200-22,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 8,5 t/h 50-> 10% 

country: Germany
type: 2x BT 1-6200-22,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 13 t/h 50-> 10% 

country: Germany
type: 4x BT 1-6200-36
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 50 t/h 50-> 10% 

country: Germany
type: BT 1-6200-22,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 8 t/h 48-> 8% 

country: Romania
type: BT 1-6200-25,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 8 t/h 50-> 10% 

country: Germany
type: BT 1-6200-40,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 12 t/h 50-> 10% 

country: Czech Republic
type: 2 BT 1-6200-22,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 8,5 t/h 45-> 10%

country: Germany
type: BT 1-6200-22,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 8 t/h 50 -> 10 %

country: Germany
type: 2x BT 1-6200-28,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 2x 9 t/h 50 -> 10%

country: Germany
type: 2 BT 1-6200-22,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 16 t/h 50-> 10%

country: Belgium
type: BT 1-6200-33
product: wood shavings
drying capacity: 7,7 t/h 50-> 10% 

country: Germany
type: BT 1-6200-33
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 10,5 t/h 50-> 10% 

country: Germany
type: 2 BT 1-6200-22,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 16 t/h 50-> 10% 

country: Belgium
type: 2 BT 1-6200-27
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 17t/h 50 -> 10% 

country: Germany
type: BT 1-6200-12
product: wood chips
drying capacity: 4.485 kg/h 35 -> 10%

country: Germany
type: BT 1-6200-16,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 8 t/h 40-> 10% 

country: Germany
type: BT 1-6200-22,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 8 t/h 50 -> 10% 

country: Germany
type: BT 1-2700-10
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 1,5 t/h 50 -> 10%

country: Austria
type: BT 1-6200-16,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 6 t/h 45 -> 10%

country: Austria
type: BT 1-6200-16,5
product: sawdust
drying capacity: 5 t/h 50 -> 10% 

country: Germany
type: BT 1-2700-13
product: beechwood sawdust
drying capacity: 2,4 t/h 45 -> 8% 

country: Germany
type: BT 1-2700-12
product: sawdust and wood chips
drying capacity: 2,0 t/h 50 -> 10% 

References Belt Dryers Email us at  References Belt Dryers

Agricultural Dryer
- Stationary Dryer
- Mobile Circulating Batch Dryer MUF
- Mobile Continuous Mixed Flow Dryer Universal

Belt Dryer
- for Sawdust, Pellets, Wood Chips and other Biomasses
- for Digestates
- for Sewage Sludge
- for Breakfast Cereals
- for Pet Food
- for Other Products

Dryer for Waste Heat Recovery for Biogas Plants

Drum Dryer

Feed and Turn Dryer

Air Heater
- Indirect Air Heaters
- Direct Air Heaters

Electrical Engineering / Moisture Content Measuring

- Stationary Agricultural Dryers
- Mobile Agricultural Dryers
- Belt Dryers
- Belt Dryers for Sewage Sludge
- Belt Dryers for Extrudates
- Feed-and-Turn Dryers

STELA History

Products & Solutions: drying technology, dryer, dryers, machine, machines, machinery